November 8, 2004
It’s Monday morning and I am sending this next entry in from the comforts of my family’s home in Virginia. Man, it feels good to be home! Although this is supposed to be a short vacation for me, my family is also in the process of moving to a new community about ten minutes from our current residence. It’s a nice area; bigger home and it’s situated on an eighteen-hole golf course. But I grew up in this house and I have so many memories of this place. I’m not sure how easy it will be to let this place go and see someone else move into the house that represents my youth. On the up side though, with the holiday season rapidly approaching, I have so many other things to look forward to.
My little nephew (who will be referred to as the "little guy") has his baptism coming up in two weeks and there will be quite a few people coming to see this event. Of course I’m happy to see the "little guy" but yesterday (Sunday the 7th) as soon as I walked in the door from the airport and put my bags down, he was thrust into my hands and proceeded to drool all over my clothes. Now, although I was a bit put off by the sight, babies have a way of getting away with it using the maneuver I’ve come to call the "Smile and gurgle" technique. Yup, the S&G technique works and we’ve all seen it. Babies look at you, smile, and get you all warmed up then gurgle up some crud in their mouth and just let it hang. It wasn’t the most exciting image to come home to, but that's how it goes, I guess. This whole being an uncle thing is a total wake-up call for me, I wasn’t ready for this. Oh, and I can’t forget that my little niece ("little girl") was there too. I wasn’t about to get drooled on twice so I went and found the quietest and darkest room in the house to take just a few minutes to settle in and relax. I will admit though that I am really honored that I will be the Godfather to the "Little Guy". My sister and her husband asked me if I’d do it and if I felt up to being his Godfather? And I said "Um... sure". Something tells me that I didn’t get the full story of exactly what a Godfather has to do…..please fill me in if you know the job requirements, LOL!!!!! So this is what I get to look forward to this week, a whole lot of baby bonding, pre-baptismal stuff, and packing up boxes for the move….fun, fun, fun!
As far as the "Guiding Light" goes, November is going to be a big month for Coop and Lizzie Spaulding. They had us working so much together with the pending danger that’s building with the Spaulding conflict (Phillip mostly). I have to say that watching and working with Grant (Aleksander; Phillip) was such an amazing opportunity for me. His calm and cool delivery of lines and the aura his character gives off is so commanding that it can overwhelm you as a beginning actor. Off screen, he is just one of the nicest and most sincere individuals I’ve ever met. To give an example of this: I was passing by the dressing rooms and he was about to shoot a scene that required some day-players to get a bit physical with him. Now some people would just say, "I’m going to do this action, so just let me control how far we go with it, and just hold on." But Grant asked their input and thoughts about what they felt was natural and then he gave his and they combined the two and rehearsed it several times to really feel it. By the time they got to set and shot it, people couldn’t believe how realistic it looked. That's Grant’s character, he truly cares what you think. I wish that I had the opportunity to work with him some more. If you all have any favorite "Phillip Spaulding/Grant" moments, I’d love to hear about them as well as your thoughts about the whole "Coop and Lizzie" situation (where you’d like to see it go or not go).
All in all, this month is going to be really great as far as the plot of the show. Not just with my character but overall with the building danger that’s being created. The writers are really pumping on full tilt, putting out some great material, I think. I can’t wait to see what happens.
P.S.- thanks for all the Music suggestions; I’m in the process of downloading a few now. I think that my next entry is going to be a bit different, LOL! I’m sure ya’ll will love it. All the best!
My little nephew (who will be referred to as the "little guy") has his baptism coming up in two weeks and there will be quite a few people coming to see this event. Of course I’m happy to see the "little guy" but yesterday (Sunday the 7th) as soon as I walked in the door from the airport and put my bags down, he was thrust into my hands and proceeded to drool all over my clothes. Now, although I was a bit put off by the sight, babies have a way of getting away with it using the maneuver I’ve come to call the "Smile and gurgle" technique. Yup, the S&G technique works and we’ve all seen it. Babies look at you, smile, and get you all warmed up then gurgle up some crud in their mouth and just let it hang. It wasn’t the most exciting image to come home to, but that's how it goes, I guess. This whole being an uncle thing is a total wake-up call for me, I wasn’t ready for this. Oh, and I can’t forget that my little niece ("little girl") was there too. I wasn’t about to get drooled on twice so I went and found the quietest and darkest room in the house to take just a few minutes to settle in and relax. I will admit though that I am really honored that I will be the Godfather to the "Little Guy". My sister and her husband asked me if I’d do it and if I felt up to being his Godfather? And I said "Um... sure". Something tells me that I didn’t get the full story of exactly what a Godfather has to do…..please fill me in if you know the job requirements, LOL!!!!! So this is what I get to look forward to this week, a whole lot of baby bonding, pre-baptismal stuff, and packing up boxes for the move….fun, fun, fun!
As far as the "Guiding Light" goes, November is going to be a big month for Coop and Lizzie Spaulding. They had us working so much together with the pending danger that’s building with the Spaulding conflict (Phillip mostly). I have to say that watching and working with Grant (Aleksander; Phillip) was such an amazing opportunity for me. His calm and cool delivery of lines and the aura his character gives off is so commanding that it can overwhelm you as a beginning actor. Off screen, he is just one of the nicest and most sincere individuals I’ve ever met. To give an example of this: I was passing by the dressing rooms and he was about to shoot a scene that required some day-players to get a bit physical with him. Now some people would just say, "I’m going to do this action, so just let me control how far we go with it, and just hold on." But Grant asked their input and thoughts about what they felt was natural and then he gave his and they combined the two and rehearsed it several times to really feel it. By the time they got to set and shot it, people couldn’t believe how realistic it looked. That's Grant’s character, he truly cares what you think. I wish that I had the opportunity to work with him some more. If you all have any favorite "Phillip Spaulding/Grant" moments, I’d love to hear about them as well as your thoughts about the whole "Coop and Lizzie" situation (where you’d like to see it go or not go).
All in all, this month is going to be really great as far as the plot of the show. Not just with my character but overall with the building danger that’s being created. The writers are really pumping on full tilt, putting out some great material, I think. I can’t wait to see what happens.
P.S.- thanks for all the Music suggestions; I’m in the process of downloading a few now. I think that my next entry is going to be a bit different, LOL! I’m sure ya’ll will love it. All the best!
That is too bad about your family is a nice feeling to go "home" to where you grew up (even if your little brother has taken over your room...LOL). But as they say, it is the people that make the house a you can still be at home with your family, even if it is a new house. And at least its still Virginia ;) <--I love my state...
Congratulations on being a Godfather...quite an honor! And I think the fact that the "little guy" drooled all over you is an even better honor. I don't know much about the obligations involved in "Godfathering" but I would venture to say that you'll be successful as long as you love him and are there for him, providing a good example.
As for "Coop"...I really enjoy the scenes with Lizzie, and I think this storyline has a lot of promise. Shakespeare knew what he was doing with that whole "Romeo and Juliet" thing, and I can see that happening with Coop and Lizzie (minus the suicide part, please). The Capulets and Montagues have got NOTHING on the Coopers and the Spauldings.
When it comes to favorite "Phillip" moments...that is a touch choice. Seems like I grew up with Phillip. Grant is good at anything...I love to hate the evil Phillip, but the flip side is nice too. I guess my favorite memories are of Phillip and Harley, but most any storyline that involves Beth gets a gold star from me. I also get a good laugh out of those Phillip/Rick scenes...particularly when Rick imitates Phillip's mad face. Hahaha....good times. Give Grant my love.
Till next time,
Hi John!
Congrats on being a godfather... sounds like you get to spoil the kid rotten! :) I'm sorry to hear that your parents are moving, it is tough leaving a place that you'd known your whole life.
I am saddened to hear about Phillip... Grant A. will be a hard replacement (you never know with soaps)... he's the only one I can see that would fill the shoes of Phillip. It is making for an excellent storyline though. I am so excited to leave work and get through everything just so I can watch GL!
As for you and Lizzie, its an interesting match. I really like it. I will admit that I had hoped to see a Coop and Tammy pairing in the beginning. I would also like to see Coop more with the Cooper family. You need more screen time! But I'm really liking the bickering and I see potential in the pairing.
Hi there... Glad you're enjoying your time at home. I know how hard it is to move, I've moved 5 different times. I know it will be hard to leave the home you are used to and it may not be easy at first but you'll get used too it.
Congratulations on being a Godfather. I have 2 nieces and 2 nephews of my own. All I can say is enjoy the time you spend with "little girl" and "little guy."
I love your scenes with Crystal (I've told ya that before lol) Now normally Lizzie is not one of my favorites; but lately when I see her with Coop I can't wait to see the relationship between them. In your latest scenes, even though there is the Cooper/ Spaulding feud going on I get the impression that Coop sees she needs a friend. I can't wait to see their story played out once Phillip is gone and Lizzie will need a friend more than ever.
Keep up the great work!!
Take Care,
I am adding yesterdays Phillip/Harley scenes to my favorite Grant scenes. I sobbed through them the first time so I went back to re-watch it and sobbed through them again. And I just KNEW the one thing Phillip wanted from Harley had something to do with the fact that she never forgave him for cheating on her and their marriage ended because of it. I actually felt Phillip's sadness over that lost relationship for a moment before he switched back into psycho mode. And in case I haven't mentioned it....Beth Ehlers is FREAKIN' AWESOME!
I am irritated b/c CBS cut in with one of their famous "Special Reports" right in the middle of GL. SOOOOO, I missed the scene where apparently Coop got a little roughed up and the scene where Phillip sent Harley on a wild goose chase to the pier, not to mention something with Danny and Marina. I need to send a letter or ten to CBS and Uncle Dan and let them know that I don't appreciate them interrupting GL time and time again. Figures I would miss a Coop scene. I'd much rather watch you than Dan Blabber anyday...
I am so loving Guiding Light right now. Seriously, I am always looking forward to watching that day's show after work!
Amber, has the "missing" scenes with Phillip/Alan/GusH from yesterday. :)
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